Chronicle is a 2012 science fiction film directed by Josh Trank and written by Max Landis based on a story by both Trank and Landis. The film stars Dane DeHaan, Michael B. Jordan, and Alex Russell.
Andrew is a troubled but creative teen with a keen visual eye and a high-quality HD camera. He is introverted and socially awkward. Along with his friends, Matt and Steve, they make a discovery that leads them all to acquire powerful telekinetic abilities. They're now capable of, well, almost anything. But things take a dark turn.
Andrew is a troubled but creative teen with a keen visual eye and a high-quality HD camera. He is introverted and socially awkward. Along with his friends, Matt and Steve, they make a discovery that leads them all to acquire powerful telekinetic abilities. They're now capable of, well, almost anything. But things take a dark turn.
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Dane DeHaan
Alex Russell
Michael B. Jordan
Michael Kelly
Ashley Hinshaw
Bo Petersen
Anna Wood
Rudi Malcolm
Luke Tyler
Crystal-Donna Roberts
Adrian Collins
Grant Powell
Armand Aucamp
Nicole Bailey
Lynita Crofford
Alex Russell
Michael B. Jordan
Michael Kelly
Ashley Hinshaw
Bo Petersen
Anna Wood
Rudi Malcolm
Luke Tyler
Crystal-Donna Roberts
Adrian Collins
Grant Powell
Armand Aucamp
Nicole Bailey
Lynita Crofford
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